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Advent 2024


December 1st - First Sunday of Advent

The first candle is a symbol of the kindly light and of hope that gives us ‘the resolve to run forth to meet Christ’ whose presence dispels darkness.

Image by Michael Rosner-Hyman

December 2nd, Monday

When we remove all obstacles to Christ’s presence he will come, at any hour or moment, to dwell spiritually in our hearts.

Image by Paul Zoetemeijer

December 3rd, Tuesday

We pray for those who are struggling and we ask the Lord to keep them in his care. Amen.


December 6th, Friday

The feast of Saint Nicholas. 

Saint Nicholas was especially devoted to the poor. We ask Saint Nicholas to intercede for all who need his help. Amen.


December 7th, Saturday

We ask Mary to watch over all those who are sick this Christmas and to support those who care for them at home and in hospitals. Amen.


December 8th - Second Sunday of Advent

Today is the Second Sunday of Advent. We ask God for strength to be like John the Baptist, preparing the way for the Lord. John the Baptist is presented as a messenger to prepare the way of Jesus. He left his home and comforts to live a different life. He was dedicated to working for God and others. 


A voice cries in the wilderness:

Prepare a way for the Lord,

make his paths straight. (Luke 3:1-6)


December 9th, Monday

The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Our Lady, overflowing with grace, all creation receives new life from your abundance.

Immaculate Mary of the people

Mother of the afflicted

Of a heart which was Yes to life

Of a heart which was Yes to the neighbour

Of a heart which was Yes to God,

Of a poor heart welcoming Jesus.

(Brazilian Hymn)

Big Hug

December 10th, Tuesday

Today we pray for all those living with dementia. May they know in their hearts God’s comforting embrace and continue to realise, as names and memories fade, that they are loved by family, friends, and especially by you. Amen. 

Farmer Taking a Break

December 11th, Wednesday

Jesus said, ‘Come to me,

all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28


December 12th, Thursday

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. Feast of Saint Finian of Clonard.


December 13th, Friday

O glorious Saint Lucy, virgin and martyr who gave her life for the church, we venerate your sacrifice for our faith.


December 14th, Thursday

“All things must be done with love.”

Pope Francis, Nov 2024


December 15th - Third Sunday of Advent

Today is the Third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday. Rejoice! For the Lord is near! The joy of the kingdom is anticipated.

“There stands among you, unknown to you, the one who is coming after me.” John the Baptist was a witness sent from God. His is the voice of hope. His words echo through the wilderness of our world and our lives. Before John, Mary was proclaiming the greatness of the Lord. And before Mary, there was Isaiah. He was anointed to bring good news to the oppressed, to help the broken-hearted and to proclaim liberty to captives. Each one – John, Mary, Isaiah – is a witness of hope.

Food Cooking in Steaming Pots_edited.jpg

December 16th, Monday

Bless the work of those running food banks and centres; move us to give to them as generously as we can.


December 17th, Tuesday

Today we pray for all who are housebound and for all those in care facilities. Amen.

Shopping Basket

December 18th, Wednesday

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, let us be mindful that many people will be struggling to put food on their tables.


December 19th, Thursday

Give us hope, Lord, to steady our steps, for we walk by faith and not by earthly sight.


December 20th, Friday

We give thanks and praise for mothers and fathers, young and old. We remember those who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love. Amen.

Image by Ann

December 21st, Saturday

We thank you, Lord, for all that we have: move us to give of our plenty to those who have little.


December 22nd - Fourth Sunday of Advent

Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent and today we celebrate the Virgin Mary: “I will sing forever of your love, O Lord.”

Mary puts her faith in God and stands ready to do what is asked of her. Can we be open to the working of the Holy Spirit within us and through us?

May the light of Christ enter our hearts so that we may share the warmth of God’s love with those we meet. 


December 23rd, Monday

Pray for all missionaries around the world, who are working to bring God’s love where it is needed.

Image by Ben White

December 24th, Tuesday

The Lord is my light and my help.


December 25th, Monday - Christmas Day

May Jesus light in our hearts, love, hope and peace. With Mary and Joseph we rejoice in the birth of Jesus. May we welcome Christ as they did. Amen.

Happy Christmas.


In preparation for Christmas, we have prepared an Advent Calendar for you to follow at home.

To download a copy to print, please click here.

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(St Patrick Fathers formerly of Cliffside Park, New Jersey; Saratoga, California; and West Granville Avenue, Chicago)

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