2020 -The Future
At the present time, all those seeking to join St Patrick’s Missionary Society come from the African continent. The Society opened houses of initial formation in West Africa and East Africa in 1997 and later in Central Africa. After two years in their own country, students travel to South Africa for university studies in philosophy. Thereafter they move to Nairobi, in Kenya for training in Theology at Tangaza College.
These young men stand in the same tradition of generosity and courage which led young men to leave Ireland almost one hundred years ago to proclaim the Good News in Africa. They have the same enthusiasm and the same faith.
In May 2022 St Patrick’s Missionary Society held a General Chapter. A new leadership team was elected which will guide the Society for the next six years until 2028. The Central Leadership Team is now based in Nairobi, Kenya.
Society Leader: Fr Richard Filima
Assistant Leader: Fr Seán Cremin
Councillor: Fr Raphael Mwenda
Councillor: Fr Patrick Esekon

St Patrick's Missionary Society Leadership Team elected at the General Chapter 2022. Left to right: Society Leader Father Richard Filima, Fr Sean Cremin, Fr Patrick Esekon and Fr Raphael Mwenda.